The Agri-Business Models for the YFC Regional Intercollegiate Competition shall focus on start-up agri-fishery enterprises—from micro to small scale—which are innovative, have the potential to generate income and integrate sustainability into their business strategy.   This is to encourage the generation of new agri-fishery enterprises. Innovative means the business model can provide new solutions to an identified problem (e.g. production, process, marketing, etc.). Viability means the business model has a clear target market and marketing strategy for at least one (1) year that can have a good revenue stream and can show the potential to be scaled up in the future.  Sustainability means that the enterprise can execute and maintain these strategies in ensuring its continuous enterprise operation.  These shall be reflected on the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and Activity and Financial Plan to be submitted by the participants.

Each participating SUC shall only endorse 1 (one) group representative as their official delegates for the competition.

A_Application Form Intercollegiate.docx72.KB
MC 33 _ YFC Intercollegiate Competition.pdf3,441.KB