The Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service collaborates with and provides direct assistance to the private sector, including concerned NGOs and POs in marketing ventures and in the conduct of market analysis, identification and matching. (AFMA IRR Rule 40)

It shall provide a unified market development and investment assistance and promotion services mechanism to the Department’s external stakeholders in support of the Agriculture and fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) in support of market efficiency and food security agenda of the government. (DA Approved Rationalization Plan)


  • Develop and strength partnership with private sector and agribusiness players in promoting Philippine products, both in the domestic and international market.
  • Assist in the preparation of business and institution-building plans.
  • Promote value-adding activities.
  • Network and help develop agribusiness enterprises.
  • Assist in investments packaging.
  • Conduct market-matching or links markets.
  • Facilitate linkages of farmers’ organizations at the regional and provincial levels with urban and population centers and markets.
  • Promote appropriate product standards and quality management.
  • Coordinate with other government and DA agencies on matters relating to agribusiness and market-related concerns.
  • Support policy reforms relating to market modernization and agribusiness development.